February 11-15: San Miguel Writers' Conference and Literary Festival.
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.​
Join Sara in beautiful San Miguel for a stellar lineup of workshops, classes, lectures, reading, and fabulous events. Tickets here.
February 26: South End Library Author Series (In-Person and Virtual Options)
Join Sara as she hosts Nicole Treska in conversation about Nicole's memoir about being born into a Boston gangster family. Free and open to all.
The in-person option will be held at the Unity Combined Parish 485 Columbus Ave, in Boston's South End. Refreshments will be served and books will be available for sale by Parkside Books.
The virtual options include both a zoom and Facebook livestream. Contact Sara for zoom link.
March 26: South End Library Author Series (In-Person and Virtual Options)​​
Join Sara as she hosts NYT Bestselling Author Abbott Kahler in conversation about Abbott's incredible true story about the seach for Eden that ended in murder.
The in-person option will be held at the Unity Combined Parish 485 Columbus Ave, in Boston's South End. Refreshments will be served and books will be available for sale by Parkside Books.
The virtual options include both a zoom and Facebook livestream. Contact Sara for zoom link.
April 23: South End Library Author Series (In-Person and Virtual Options)​​
Join Sara as she hosts psychiatrist, bestselling author, and frequent guest expert on NBC Dr. Saumya Dave in conversation about Dave's latest novel about the exploration of motherhood, ambition, guilt, and the impossible search to try to have it all.
The in-person option will be held at the Unity Combined Parish 485 Columbus Ave, in Boston's South End. Refreshments will be served and books will be available for sale by Parkside Books.
The virtual options include both a zoom and Facebook livestream. Contact Sara for zoom link.

June 12-15: Nantucket Book Festival. Nantucket, MA. (In-Person)
Sara is honored to once again serve as the co-chair of the Nantucket Book Festival. The team is actively curating a stellar lineup of authors. Stay tuned, save the date, and join us as we celebrate reading, writing, books, authors, and readers.

June 17-21: ThrillerFest. Times Square Hilton, NYC. (In-Person)
Join Sara and an amazing lineup of mystery and thriller authors speaking and teaching on a wide variety of topics. Whether you're a writer looking for an agent, who wants to polish your draft, or hone your craft...or a reader who wants to hear their favorite authors speak about their books, we have something for you. Take a look at the schedule and register here.